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The spiritual sun of the sky of this Universe, the Holy QURAN has been radiating its lights and rays in order to decipher the creational verses of the Supreme Book of Existence. It has been indicating the Straight Path by illuminating the minds of the human beings.

Each and every individual of the Mankind can see and know the purposes of his existence, the desires in his nature and the goal of his destination under the Light of this Sun of Guidance. Those who are the object of manifestations of this Light of Guidance, can obtain spiritual proximity by acting like a mirror to this Light in degree of the capacity of their hearts. The true nature of the Beings and the Life can be visible and comprehensible under this Light.    

Representing the spiritual Light of Guidance of the Eternal Sun, the HOLY QURAN ensures to see the TRUTH and the Reality with the eyes of the mind and the heart. Those who are distant from its Light will stay in the darkness of unbelief. Because all can be visible and comprehensible by that Light.

The spiritual personality of the Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) which are called in this century by the name of THE LIGHT has become the object of manifestation of the Light of the Holy QURAN which is the spiritual and eternal Sun of this Universe.

These Lights have been illuminating the Straight Path like Search Lights for those people who are bat like unwilling to leave the darkness, and those who turn their daytimes into night due to their sleeps of oblivion, those who fell into dissoluteness and dissipation, those who believe only in what they can see, those who get blind since they live in darkness and those who are bewildered on their path, and those who are yet not completely blind.

Striking the mace of Light on the heads of the deniers and unbelievers the Risale-i Nur says :

 “Either throw your mind off your head, become an animal. Or come to your senses, become a true human.”

Since Knowledge is a Light, we point out a few evidences that show the Risale-i  Nur Collection has a profound comprehension of the Sciences :

Firstly, We should remember that Risale-i Nur has recognized only the HOLY QURAN as the Master, not any other books, and has been serving to the Quran, hence it is not necessary for us to make statements on this issue.

Nevertheless, we should mention the value of the Risale-i Nur in consideration of the Scholars and Philosophers and Theologians :

The Risale-i Nur Collection has explained and proven the most abstruse  and difficult questions which were not proved up until 1920s by any Scholar or Theologian with a certain clarity, in a way that is extremely facile and comprehensible by everybody from the common man to the greatest Scholar in accordance with their level of understanding and convincing them fully without causing any doubts in their minds.

This feature does not exist almost in any other Scientific or Scholarly Work.

Secondly, all of  the  works  of the Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) are the interpretations and commentaries of some of the verses of the Holy Quran and they show that they are the spiritual gleams originating from the Quran.

Thirdly, the Risale-i Nur Collection has been answering the questions and the most urgent needs of the Mankind with most certain proofs and evidences in a Scientific method. For example, it has been proving the existence of Allah Almighty (Allah), the Eternal Life in the Hereafter and other pillars of the Belief by employing the interpretership of a Particle (Atom) in the Language of disposition and conversation. Even though the most famous Islamic Philosophers such as Avicenna (Ibni Sina), Farabi, Avirosse (Ibni Rushd) had shown all of the existence as the proof of Belief, the Risale-i Nur Collection has been proving the truths of Belief with the tongue of an Atom or a Seed.

Had it been possible to show them the scientific capacity of the Risale-i Nur, they would have immediately kneel down to take lessons from them.

Fourthly : The Risale-i Nur has been providing in a very short period of time the knowledge and the information which cannot be obtained by many long years of study by teaching the essence of every science similar to the vitamin/mineral tablets providing the essence of fruits and vegetables.

Fifthly : The Risale-i Nur has been representing the greatest duty such as “serving the humanity” sincerely without making the Science a tool of worldly interests and it has been causing to earn “the consent of Allah” which is the main purpose of Sciences.

Sixthly : The Risale-i Nur Collection is the result of a powerful, and blessed meditation of Religious Faith and it is performing the duty of interpretation of Existence in the Languages of disposition and conversation. Furthermore it is developing and exploring the truths of Faith to the degrees of “the certainty of knowledge”, and “the certainty of vision”, and “the certainty of Truth”.

Seventhly :  Risale-i Nur Collection has comprehended all the Sciences in essence. It is a veritable embroidered fabric woven with the yarns of Science.

It is a collection of aphorism and epigrams which had not been stated by any Scholar until today and these make evident that it has got the essential principles of every  branch of Science.

We shall mention just a few of them here below and we recommend those would like to have an idea about the entire collection to dive into the Ocean of the Risale-i Nur :

1.. The One who created the eyes of the mosquito is the One who also created the Sun.

2..  The One who arranged the stomach of the flea is the One who also arranged the Solar System.

3.. To create a Particle or an Atom requires an infinite Power which can create the entire Universe. Because, each letter of the great book of this Universe, especially the animate one, has a face and eye looking at each and every sentence (a relationship with all creatures in the Universe) in this book.

4.. Nature resembles a printing-press, not the printer. It is an embroidery, not the Embroiderer. It is passive, not active. It is a pattern, not a source. It is an order, and not the Orderer. It is a Law, not a Power. It is a code of Laws proceeding from a will, not an external reality.

5..  Spirit is a law possessing external existence, a conscious law. Like the stable and enduring laws of creation, spirit comes from the World of the Divine Command and the attribute of Will. Divine Power clothes it an existence decked out with senses. He makes a subtle, flowing being (corona) the shell to that jewel. Existent spirit is the brother of the conceivable law. They are both enduring and come from the World of the Divine Command. If Pre-Eternal Power had clothed the laws governing in the species of beings in external existence, they would have been spirits. And if the spirit banishes consciousness, it still would be an undying law.

There are thousands of such aphorisms in the Risale-i Nur.

                                                El-Baki   Huvel   Baki

Dr. Mustafa Hilmi RAMAZANOGLU




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