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This lecture which has been written with the spiritual support of our  beloved and precious Teacher Bediuzzaman and with the influence  of the lessons from the Treatises of Light, is a sweet pleasant  conversation regarding the Treatises of Light. I am not capable of  explaining the value of the Treatises of Light, And I dare not. Please  do not suppose that I can do this. Because I am an ignorant  and the most novice reader of the Treatises. My cultural background is not  sufficient to describe the value of such a masterpiece which  acquired such a fame amongst the Nations. I have to admit this.

The great honor belongs to the intellectual, scholarly, virtuous  readers of the Treatises of Light who are intelligent and  appreciative.

Yes, I had not read any single article in the Press and in our Books  that was explaining the value of the HOLY QURAN until the moment I  met the Treatises of Light.

Later I understood that the foreign great men admired the Holy  Quran more than the intellectuals rising in our country over the last  fifty years. The Noble Quran the Sun of the entire World has been placed  at the high position which it deserves inside the green silk fabrics in  the White House in America.

Inventors, philosopher, doctors, lawyers, psychologists have been  studying and making use of the books written on the principles of  the Noble Quran. These important persons have been acquiring  international fame thanks to the informations they extract from this  Holy Book.

Sweden, Norway and Finland have organized a special  Board of Scholars that has searched for a Great Book to save their youth. Finally they decided that the  HOLY QURAN must be studied by all in order to make the  Youth  to gain best moral qualities and become broad-minded intellectuals.

There have been many Foreigners who admired Islam and the Quran.  Since Non-Muslims admire and make use of the Holy Book of Islam,  the smart Muslim Youth cannot hesitate and be negligent any  longer.

Our Glorious Lord has responded to the most sacred and  most sincere desire of the Youth also in the Twentieth Century. He  granted the TREATISES OF LIGHT (RISALE-I NUR) which are the  genuine commentary and interpretation of the HOLY QURAN  for this  century of civilization. These treatises have been sourced from the  Holy Quran and authored within the principles of the Holy Quran.       

The author is Bediuzzaman (The Wonder of the Age). Great many scholars and scientists confirmed that the honourable author of the Treatises of Light had been  deservedly called  Bediuzzaman (the Wonder of the Age). Nevertheless, such a famous and powerful person has not become known to all.

Yes, the Communists worked in our society over the last fifteen-twenty years. Let alone present such Genius of ours, they slander Him with several false stories. They made use of all Media and opportunities in order to succeed in this. They are trying very hard in speaking ill of our Scholars before the Nation. We perceived the truth of the matter only within the last one year. We understood that our Press and Media were full of Communist Microbes thanks to the development of Democracy in our Country. And all the while we were deceived.

We cleaned our minds from the false propaganda and lies about our Religious Scholars. We got rid of the negative impressions about them. Then we embraced our QURAN from which all the genuine intellectuals of the World benefited. And afterwards we began to study the masterpieces interpreted from the QURAN into our Language. Just like the young generation do not know the true value of the great works of our Great Men such as MAWLANA JALALUDDIN, YUNUS EMRE and EVLIYA CELEBI, the youth do not know much about BEDIUZZAMAN. 

However those who happened to learn the existence of such a Precious Person have immediately perceived His high value, and desired strongly to benefit from Him. Inshaallah (Allah willing) many millions of people in Turkey and in the whole World will benefit from the works of this Great Man.

This estimate and wish has been much more reinforced by the power, strength and innovation inside the Treatises of Light.

Yes, the books which can make the contemporary human beings happy are solely the Treatises of Light. This is certain belief of those who read and study the Treatises of Light, not only the words of some Lazy student like me.

Just like that those who embrace the Holy Quran will have happiness in both the World and the Hereafter,  those who study and practice the Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) which are illuminating and high commentaries of the Quran, will attain the True Happiness. The youth who will study them will have a bright future, they will become intellectual and cultural persons. We believe unshakably that our morality will be elevated as long as we study them… As much as we study them, we learn obedience to OUR ALLAH, OUR PROPHET, our parents and to the right and just Law… Let the people read them and try them. Then those who read personally will decide themselves on these opinions.

If I can enter into the Masjid of our Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace & Greetings be upon Him) and if I can go up to the Minaret of His Masjid and if Allah gives me a strong voice so that the entire World can hear me, I will proclaim with all my power and strength that :

 “the Treatises of Light are the Masterpiece works which will save all the Youth and the Humanity from evil, error, corruption and bestiality…”

I cannot estimate the greatness of the sacred desire of those people who dive into the OCEAN OF LIGHT since the Treatises of Light have awakened such a high desire in me even if I studied only nine or ten books yet.

You don’t need to receive explanations from any source in order to have an idea about the Treatises of Light. You read these luminous works yourself. The Light of the Holy Quran will fill in you and will develop your Faith. The Treatises of Light will convince you that due to belief the World is more delightful than the Paradise. You will begin to love the World not for a transient life but for an Eternal Life. You will understand once more that performing the ritual prayers is a great genuine pleasure.

You will begin to enjoy so much to enter the presence of our Great Allah during prayers that your days without prayers will become full of distress and suffering. You will feel most joyful, most pleasing and happiest moments of your life during prayers. In fact you all know too that those who perform this sacred duty  properly will have joy and happiness in the World and in the  Hereafter and they  actually do.

When you will be engaged in the service of the Treatises of Light  (Risale-i Nur), if they invite you to the Paradise while living on  Earth,  you would not want to go to Paradise yet leaving that service, such  a great honor like to serve the Holy Qur’an, by realizing that such a  sacred duty and such a high happiness are available right now in  this world.

When we say that the world can be considered as a  virtual paradise from the point of view of Faith, some may reply:  what pleasure have we had till this day in this world life and how in  the future can we lead a life of pleasure? 

In fact the  Treatises of Light have proven with their strong logical proofs and definitive evidences that this World is like a spiritual paradise for the people of Faith and it is like a spiritual Hell for the people of Misguidance.

Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) have been authored with the Divine Favor, not written by the author’s own choice, in order to save the Muslims of the 20th Century and all Human Beings from the deep Darkness of Materialist Opinions and terrible roads of Misguidance. You can read the Treatises of Light continuously with the unhurried behaviour and by learning the meanings of the theological words in them. Some kind of cheerfulness and a strong zeal will be aroused in you like those who work hard night and day.

If you are taking a little slowly, remember that you are under the influence of your carnal mind. Then you must increase the level of your activity immediately. Because the youth is going to end. It is our strong determination not to waist even five minutes in the way to study such books whose values are not measurable.

The fortunate people who study the Risale-i Nur are definitely not concerned with personal material benefits. Because their goals are to obtain the Divine Consent. Thanks Allah, now these are millions of our beloved friends who have perceived that studying and working for the Risale-i Nur is the service for our Holy Book. No one can deny this fact which is clearly apparent for those who have sound minds. There are even some students who do not complete their night-sleeps for the sake of Risale-i Nur Studies which are for sake of Allah.

There are even such true students of THE LIGHT who are at the service of the Treatises of Light: If he is offered the wealth of American Billionaire Ford for copying and publishing some other books instead of Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light), he will reply as follows even without lifting his pen from the lines of Risale-i Nur :

 “Even if you give the  whole wealth and the kingdom of the World to me, I will not accept. Because Allah Almighty will give me an inexhaustible eternal Treasure due to the Service of Risale-i Nur. I wonder if that wealth of yours can make me happy? That is quite doubtful. But there is no doubt and misgiving about an Eternal Treasure and a True Happiness which Allah Almighty will bestow on me.”

If a young man was a little late to appreciate the value of Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light), he will say with great grief:

 “ I must dedicate this poor Youth of mine which awakened lately for the Services and Studies on the path of the Qur’an and the Faith for the sake of our Beloved Allah and our Beloved Prophet, absolutely not for the temporary things of this world. I cannot fail to write and publish the Treatises of Light (Risale-i Nur).”

Some people might think that we are disconnected from this World completely when they see that we are so much engaged in the Treatises of Light. On the contrary, we first complete our job correctly if we are single professionals, or our lessons and home works  if we are students, or our duty if we are civil servants. Reading the Risalei- Nur has been giving us strength and enthusiasm by multiplying our success in these world affairs. They are teaching us the value of the time. They prevent us from wasting our times in idle games or on the streets instead of working on work-hours. They teach us that we should schedule our jobs. And even they instill us that we should work when we can rest.

It is not possible to explain exactly the value of the Risale-i Nur. The readers’ hearts will be filled with the appreciation of their value and there are such devoted persons that even if all the humans try to make them abandon Risale-i  Nur, yet they cannot succeed.

I would like to become the servant of the TEACHER who was charged with composing the Risale-i Nur and It is an honour for me to become the servant of His servant. This loyalty is not exaggerated at all. When we read a valuable book we feel some kind of devotion for its author. For example, people feel a certain admiration for the works of Molliere, Shakespeare and Victor Hugo.

I wonder what should be the level of devotion for the person who is the Interpreter of the HOLY QUR’AN which is the Guide of the Religion of  ISLAM?

If the works of  Famous Goethe are printed on paper, the works of Bediuzzaman, idest,  the TREATISES OF LIGHT (Risale-i Nur) are worthy to emboss on the golden and silver tablets. If it is normal to study the works of Socrates – the teacher of Plato – and Aristoteles until midnights, it is not an exaggeration to spend some sleepless nights for the sake of reading the works of Bediuzzaman. If one spends five Dollars for the book of a World–famous author, one can spend a whole wealth for such a sacred work like Risale-i Nur which deserve the greatest fames and highest ranks in both Worlds, and one should.

If our devotion to Truthful Books is graded as ten, our connection to a MIRACLE OF THE QUR’AN like RISALE-I NUR which guide us in this World and in the Hereafter, must be infinitely strong.

Therefore, Brothers, Let us embrace them, to get illuminated by their Lights. Let us turn our faces and eyes at the Library of Risale-i Nur which are the spiritual miracles of the HOLY QUR’AN. Let us make them the source of Point of View. And let us repeat the sacred words of the Holy Qur’an with all our Power and Strength.

The Risale-i Nur which are Genuine Interpretation of the Holy Quran, are our Souls, Our Hearts, and our Lives. We accept them as the Goal of our Lives and the Capital of our Life-times.

Yes, my Brothers, the features inside the Risale-i Nur, are not existing in any book composed until now. You can ask me how I know this? Some genuine  scholars who dedicated their lives to reading hundreds of volumes have announced  this Truth after reading the Treatises of Light. And these people have come to the conclusion that these contemporary humans however great knowledge they might have, they are in need of studying the Treatises of Light.

The Learned, the virtuous and the intellectuals who are afraid of becoming addicted to diseases such as vanity, haughtiness and selfishness have been embracing the Risale-i Nur immediately. Some of them have been trying to become students for The Light even if they are 60 – 70 years old.

The author of the Risale-i Nur mentioned one of the most important features of his works as follows:

 “Any book will be read and will give some information. But the Risale-i Nur will give a spiritual pleasant lesson to  the intellect and the heart and the soul as well.”

This feature of the Risale-i Nur can be observed on the readers visually. The Turkish Muslim Youth want to become scientists and scholars with belief and enlightenment, not with dark thoughts. The university students at the departments of Law, Medicine and Science can achieve to obtain the essential truths of various social, scientific and spiritual branches of knowledge through the Risale-i Nur.

Those who want to learn the facts of the Religion are reading the Risale-I Nur. Those who are searching the Truth are reading the Risale-i Nur. Those with the nature of struggling and striving are reading the Risale-i Nur. Those who want to reach the summit of heroism and bravery are reading the Risale-i Nur. Nation-lovers are reading the Risale-i Nur. The scholars of Art and Scientists are reading the Risale-i Nur. The Sufis are reading the Risale-i Nur. The fans  of Literature, too, are reading  the Treatises of Light (Risale-i Nur). Their capacity of oratory and poetry has been increasing ten-folds after studying the Risale-i Nur.  Thus every segment of human society feel the great need in their souls for the Risale-i Nur.   

Those who study the Risale-i Nur (Treatises of Light) certainly come  out victorious from the scholarly discussions and debates, and they  express the Truth with ultimate clarity. The judges who study the  Risale-i Nur with full acceptance do not decree wrongfully.

The source and the foundation of the true civilization and high social principles and  humanitarian laws is the QURAN. 

You will find what you were looking for inside the Risale-i Nur which  are genuine and blessed commentaries and interpretations of the  HOLY QURAN, and you will become eager to read them again and again with feelings of admiration.

There is a great benefit in studying the Risale-i Nur completely before starting a University Degree. Otherwise it is strongly probable to fall into terrible disasters.

The style of the Risale-i Nur is unique all by itself and is not comparable to any other style. This fluent and attractive style stirs up the ardour of reading regularly. Then this ardour turns into desire to read the Collection of the Light completely as soon as possible due to the enjoyment given by the sweet and different style of this unmatched original work.

The Holy Quran has a spiritual effect on its readers  even if they don’t understand the meanings.  The Risale-i Nur has also spiritual influence for it is a spiritual miracle of the Holy Quran, even if you cannot understand some of the Arabic words in it.

Yes, an appreciative intellectual who reads a little bit from the Risale-i Nur, arrives at the opinion that Risale-i Nur is a masterpiece. Risale-i Nur has such an unmatched explanatory style that just like all, learned-scholarly people understand its truths, all readers and listeners - even if they are uneducated -   can understand and relate its truths too.

Risale-i Nur is the treasure of epigrams and aphorisms. If we can learn by heart some of the aphorism and sentences in the Risale-i Nur, we will notice that they will come out of our hearts and tongues like precious stones and jewellery.

Bediuzzaman is giving a goodnews at the last section of the Treatise of Sincerety. We believe no other author has been granted to give the goodnews of such a wonderful facility. Our Great master says in that Treatise :

 “The person who reads these Treatises in understanding and acceptance for one year, can become a Genuine Scholar of this era.”

A scholar is a person who owns the power of Knowledge and Science. Young or old age does not matter. The Risale-i Nur turn those Young man and Young women who read them with dedication for a year into Scholars. Would a Youngman with sound mind and heart waist his five minutes even, when he hears the existence of such a Knowledge which can be obtained so easily and quickly as a merciful favour of our Allah Almighty to the contemporary humans ? No, Certainly he would not !

The youth of this country and this nation have been awakening. This awakening youth have an aptitude for serving the nation to reach true Progress and Happiness  through the Risale-i Nur. However, they need the spiritual help and the protection of the Community of the Risale-i Nur in order to obtain extraordinary accomplishment within the narrow circle of friends and family and large circle of social life as well.

And to this end, it is necessary to get connected in a serious and sincere way to the spiritual community of the Risale-i Nur  (Treatises of Light).

My dear brothers ! I am sure that you’ll work hard with diligence in order to read such precious books as soon as possible. I hope this from my heart. Even now you realize that a spiritual force within you is driving you to study.

Please decide to learn the Ottoman (Old Turkish) Language and Script to increase your benefit from these books. We have to educate ourselves and we determined to do so. We shall, Allah-willing develop ourselves by studying continuously, diligently and resolutely.

Turkish Muslim Youth cannot and will not wait any longer without benefiting from the Risale-i Nur when they see and hear the extraordinary favours on us. They will fill their minds with Knowledge and hearts with Light (of Belief) and they actually do.

Thus we have been trying to become true servants of our Great Allah and Muslim Turkish Youth as examples for the World Youth.

We have great and various benefits in hand copying the Risale-i Nur books. Ottoman Script can be learned in a very short time period.. (Tr. Note : Ottoman Script is Turkish Language written with Arabic Letters).

You are learning strongly when writing by hand and also copying the Risale-i Nur being a service for the Holy Quran, you will be granted blessings of many pages when writing one page. The information and knowledge acquired by hand writing settle in the memory more solidly.

A friend of ours who appreciated the value of the Risale-i Nur asked:

 “Is the Risale-i Nur a two-volume collection ?” I said  “No, it is a rich collection of many books.” He asked again: “All of them written in new Turkish (Latin) Script?” I said “These volumes you see are printed in Latin Script”.

My friend thought for a moment and he said in a way which resembles a Great Man who makes fast and correct decision vigilantly: “I cannot deprive myself of reading the Ottoman Script volumes of such a precious Collection. I must start to study the Old (Ottoman) Script.” (*) (* : due to the Despotic Rule in Turkey and Pressures over Religious Activities between 1926 and 1950, the books of the Collection of Light were multiplied by hand copying the original Ottoman Manuscript by thousands of students of Light.)

We want to perform the Greatest Service for all the humanity through Knowledge and Moral Perfection. And Inshaallah we shall do so…

It was all along my habit to make decent and honest friends. When I met a potential friend, I chose him as a friend candidate. I was thinking that it was necessary to test him at least for a year or two to have a genuine and eternal friendship.

Now when I meet a new friend, and when they mention him as a Loyal and True Student of the Risale-i Nur, I am getting connected to him with all my sincerity…

The marvellous power in the Treatises of Light turn the Lazy to the Dynamic, those who like the contemptible  and dirty enjoyments into those who enjoy the chaste and decent pleasures.

Gençlik Rehberi Ýngi. F:15

It gives an aversion for inauspicious and unclean pleasures, makes easy to abandon them. Besides it is giving the cleanest, genuine and everlasting pleasures. It is saving the people from pessimism and instilling in them a fortune and happiness with belief. It is granting the enthusiasm and desire to become the most advanced and a great human being not a mediocre one. It is healing the unlikable deeds like pride, arrogance and haughtiness. It is giving value to people with virtues like dignity and modesty. It is reconciling the enemies and the vindictives. It is teaching that evil deeds should not be responded with evil deeds, on the contrary with good deeds and patience and endurance.     

It is protecting the Young men like you who are gentle and good-tempered chaste, well-mannered, clean, cute and precious from the corrupt circle of friends, and the evil setting and bad habits of the society.

Therefore, a Loyal True Student of the Risale-i Nur does not damage his good morals even if he stays amongst millions of immoral people. On the contrary he goes into a struggle against his carnal soul in order to improve his morals further. He becomes victorious with the help of the knowledge he learned from the Risale-i Nur, and the determination and spiritual power he received from the Risale-i Nur.

He gets the determination to improve and reform the corrupt societies, and he does not try to adapt and adjust himself to such societies. He becomes a Reformer who is equipped with the most advanced and highest Social Principles through the help of Allah the Great and the Lessons of Belief based on investigation and research presented in the Risale-i Nur.

He tries to civilize those who entered into a state of Anarchy and those who fell away from humanity.

Here we take refuge with Allah who is our Helper and whose Power and Grandeur have no limits, and we beg Him earnestly.

We have been working (in this Service) by calling for spiritual help from our PROPHET MUHAMMAD (s.a.w.) who was the founder and publisher of the TRUE CIVILIZATION which offers True Humanity, Prosperity and Happiness for all Human Beings. And we call for the spiritual support of the Community of  Risale-i Nur.

Yes, My Brothers! There is only one Sound Truth today which can heal our Social sicknesses and wounds. And that is the Medicines of the Treatises of Light which are the Genuine Interpretation of the HOLY  QURAN.

This truth has been appreciated by the teachers who have the honor of raising the youth.

We shall always keep in mind how to improve and develop ourselves. The Treatises of Light are teaching that this world is a trading house in which we can earn the eternal happiness. And we shall not be content with little successes in obtaining an endless Science. We shall insaallah work with determination and persistence in order to earn more and develop more in this Science.

The sciences advance with full speed. The advance in Spiritual Knowledge is similar to this. We have been living in an era in which one-hour distance has been reduced to one-minute. The sphere of spirituality is even faster and wider. The science of Truth which could be studied thoroughly in half a century in the olden times, can be obtained in one year now, maybe even sooner. Such a  success can be possible only by continuous and persistent study.

Yes, my brothers, we have to run on the path to the Risale-i Nur in order to become a true and noble human being and to serve substantially for our nation and country and the entire world. Even we must increase our running speed. That is we should not waist even five minutes while we can use this time for reading. This is what I mean with “speed in reading”      

We must tell ourselves always and wherever we are: “For Goodness Sake! We should not waste our times. The true capital of our lives, the Time should not be wasted.  And we should find methods to use the Time more efficiently.” We should consider the Time very important and work seriously to develop the services for the LIGHT.


On behalf of Students of Light in Konya


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